Friday, September 17, 2010

Kaggies Kidney Friday 17 Sept, 2010

Hello again friend and family,
New news!! Mom's Urinary output is back to normal and yesterdays Ultrasound showed there is no permanent kidney damage from this event.
Her Blood Sugars have come up into the 200's (better high sugar than low sugar - High sugar can be treated with counter-active measures MUCH easier than Low Blood Sugars.)
Her blood pressure was low last night - and she was given Coreag (a high BP med, she usually takes everynight) which caused her Blood Pressure to plummet. At about 1-1:30 am They had to kick in higher doses of epinephrine to counter-act that. BECAUSE of her needing Epinephrine, she will be in ICU for another day, Looks like she will move to a regular on Saturday sometime. Epipinephrine can only be administered in ICU to assure close monitoring.
She still has a central line and an arterial Line, for targeted monitoring.
Her Potassium level is back in the normal range.
The results of the CAT scan show there were no new Neurological events. It did show evidence of the mini-stroke she had a few years back that took the sight in her left eye (or is it right?)... But nothing New. AWESOME NEWS!
At this time it appears she may have a full recovery from this. Thank You for your prayers and positive energies. We will continue to update this blog throughout her hospital stay and recovery.
Peace, Love and Blessings,
Becky Sue

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kaggie's Kidney update September 16, 2010

Hello Dear Friends and family.
Here is an update on what we know and what is suspected but is as yet, to be confirmed.
I spoke with Mom's Nurse Karen, who related that mom was having an increase in renal output.
under normal circumstances a person usually creates around 30 - 35 cc's of urine, an hour. Earlier today, the goal was for mom to be able to produce 20 cc's an hour. At that time, she was putting out about 16-17. By this evening, She was producing high 70's and low 80's of cc's of urine. This is good!
They took her off several IV's. She ate lunch and Dinner. And her potassium levels had come down from 7 (very dangerous and not good for the heart) to a more normal 4.5 (above 5 is alarming).
They have her on what they call D10, which is Dextrose 10%. They are still working at getting her blood glucose levels into a normal range. As Merri stated, upon admittance to the ICU her Blood sugar was at 25. (they scarily followed that number with the phase "which is not conducive to life".
Before they kick me out for shift change her Glucose level was 40 or low 50. Normal (for you non-diabetics, is 80 -120.) Which leads me to what is believed to be the cause of the kidney failure.... It is believe, but not confirmed that there was an unintentional Overdose of an oral diabetic medication called Metformin. Since mom had been having tummy trauma - she was not eating normally. And Since she was not eating normally, she was not creating the high levels of blood sugar that we diabetics fight. However she was still vigilant in her medication routine. She was taking her prescribed dose of Metformin, which effectively lowers blood sugar. but her sugars were not high because of her altered food intake due to the tummy trauma. So the Metformin did its job by lowering her blood sugars. And did it too well. Karen the Nurse explained that the low sugar state shocks the kidneys. And the Metformin is processed through the kidneys and is expelled in the urine. since there was little to no urinary out put, the Metformin was able to brew like a stalled storm. So that is what is suspected as the cause.
The things we are still waiting for answers on would be: 1 - The results of the CAT scan they did to check her brain last night. And 2- the Results of the abdominal ultrasound they performed around 4:30 or 5 pm this evening.
Karen her nurse stated that if she keeps up this level of improvement, she should be out of the ICU sometime on Friday and moved to a standard care floor. During my time with mom and Karen, the possibility of dialysis was not mentioned. So I am not saying it is not still possible, probable or otherwise, I am stating it was not mentioned. Karen told mom several times she was proud of her terrific improvements.
Mom is tired, (as anyone who has experienced very low, or even slightly low blood sugar can relate to.) She needs to get up every 20 to 30 minutes to sit on the "pot" She is outputting lots of fluids there. And they measure it all!! They posted a portable commode near her bed so she can quickly access it as she needs to with out having to buzz the nurse to get to perma potty in the corner of the room. She still has an arterial line in her neck and a central line on her right arm. Plus the Urinary catheter, so she is still quite tethered.
Last night Merri stayed the night with her, and got ZERO sleep. Today Melanie was with her through the day and was able to cat nap on a pile of pillows in her room. Tonight Cory will be on mom watch. And I will relieve him At shift change time, until Mel can get there in the morning around 10 am. I cannot miss more than a couple hours of work, then back to the hospital to relieve Mel, until Barb comes in for the night shift at 8pm Friday night. I will spend Saturday day and night with her. And we will go from there.
So that is what we know at this point.
Thank you all for the continued Prayers and positive energies.

PS: For Local Family.... The Clara and Harvey Wolfe Reunion that was scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed to an undetermined date until we cross this hurdle.

Back in Intensive Care

Well - here we are again.  Friday of last week, Mom started feeling tired, loopy, listless, goofy, and sick to her stomach.  There had been a flu bug going around, so we kinda chalked it up to that.  However, her BP was very low.  When she still didn't feel well on Monday, we went to see Dr. Anding (cardio).  He adjusted some of her meds that can lower BP.  Tuesday she felt a little better.  Wednesday - not so much.  Melanie was planning on staying with Mom overnight, but at suppertime, Mom got real sick to her stomach, her BP was scary low, her sugar was low, and she was very weak.  Mom agreed to a trip to the ER.

An EKG gave irratic results and the ER Dr. feared she had suffered a heart attack.  However, an echo-cardiogram showed that her heart was doing fine.  They turned their attention to her kidneys which have virtually shut down.  That prompted admitting to the ICU.  They are trying to rehydrate her and get her kidneys working again.  If not, she will need to have dialysis.  Also, her sugar fell to 25 (100 would be good). 

I will post more when we have info.  The ICU nurses and doctors say she is doing good.  Her BP is stable now and all the concentration is on her kidneys.

Love ya - send prayers - Merri

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hello from Carol Ann. I am settled in at home, trying to take it easy. That does not come easy for me. Seems like there are always so many things that need done and it is so difficult to put them off. Beth keeps reminding me to ask for help. She tells me to repeat over and over, "I can ask for help," "I can ask for help," "I can ask for help." It just seems to go against the grain if you know what I mean.

Spent Friday night at Becky's. She and I ran some errands on Saturday and I left for my house at about 2:00 PM. Chris and the boys were here to go swimming so we all went to the pool for an hour or so. It was sooooo great to get into the water - I love exercising in the pool. Our weather has been quite warm so the pool was not too cold. It was nice to sit in the sun for a little while, too. Beth called and invited me to a surprise birthday get-to-gether for Katie at Jared's house at 7:00 PM. She came and picked me up and also brought me home. Frank made yummy pizzas - he sure likes being in the kitchen and cooking. Katie was surprised. Jared has purchased a really nice home not too far from here. It was good to see all of Beth's family. I can't believe how AJ's kids have grown. Never a dull moment for Cami, I am sure. Little Ty got stung by a wasp - he really keeps her hopping!

I am determined to take it easy today. Decided to forego church and just relax. I really need to take a Tai Chi or yoga class to teach me to relax - I really am NOT good at that. Someday, maybe I will accomplish the art of relaxation, I hope. It will probably help my blood pressure, think?

Better run. Have a wonderful Sunday. Love to all, Carol
PS. Today, Smokey Joe is one year old! Happy Birthday, Smokey!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Hi! Carol Ann here!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am home! I left Aspen Ridge West yesterday afterbnoon. It is good to be home - now I can go to the pool and work on my tan! ha!

I hated to leave ARW - it was such a wonderful place with the nicest people ever! But I knew I was a short-timer because I could get around better than any other person in there. I was even waiting on tables in the dining room - ha!

I am going to spend tonight down at Becky's and then we will bring Smokey Joe home tomorrow and we will put some time in at the pool.
Becky keeps telling me she needs a "Mom fix" since she has not been able to come to ARW to visit as often as she would like. So we will take care of that with my visit tonight!

Poor Smokey Joe - he probably doesn't even know where he belongs anymore. Altho, I know he has fun with Chopper and Annie. He also enjoys the run of the fenced yard at Becky's. It should be interesting this evening to see if he acknowledges me or gives me the cold shoulder for leaving him for so long. Stand by for future reports of dog behavior. ha

I sincerely hope that I have had my last trip to the hospital for a while. We are getting way too familiar with that IMC hospital. Granted, it is a very nice hospital, but we need to draw the line somewhere! I have an appt. to return to the Cardiac Clinic in a week or two but other than that I hope to steer clear of the place. Last weekend, I did go see Leon and on Wednesday, Merri and I went to visit with Jim Geirloff after he had heart surgery. I guess visits would be okay - but I really hope I don't go again as a patient!

Will sign off for this time - just wanted to share the good news that I was home. Home is NOT a bad place to be!

Love to all,
Carol Ann

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010


This is Carol Ann just checking in.
Things are on an even keel here at Aspen Ridge West, rather a slow day since there is no physical therapy today.
Just getting ready to go down to Sacrament Meeting so I may have to cut this post short. I have had three visitors already today. Merri popped in followed closely by Barb and Blair. Merri relayed the info that Leon fell during the night and broke his back (L3) specifically. He is at the IMC on the 11th floor. He is in a lot of pain but they have him on morphine. Merri is still running on nervous energy since she was awakened at 2:30 AM. She will need to slow down soon and get some shut eye for sure! Good thing they had their Father's Day BBQ last night - won't be much cooking done today!
It was good to see Blair - haven't seen her since I went into the hospital. They brought me roses and she arranged them in a vase and got my room all tidied up neat and clean. She and Barb helped me down to the dining room for lunch before they left. This facility is centrally located so the kids can pop in and out easily.

Had a nice phone call from Hunter last evening. He is such a character and uses such colorful language! Altho, I think he did tone it down a bit during our conversation. ha! Colby and Kristen have a little baby girl - about three weeks old.

Better get down to Church. May write more later. Love to all,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I have gotta' remember to always ID myself since I am using Becky's Google account. Anyway, this is Carol doing this writing.

It is so wonderful to be able to add thoughts to the blog. 'Really had a busy day - I went down to Physical Therapy (P/T) extra early because the staff was trying to finish up by noon so they could go to the company Lagoon day. Aides from Ogden came down to cover and now tomorrow some of our aides will go to Ogden to cover for them while they go to Lagoon. Everyone here is so nice and these substitute aides have been wonderful.

As I sat in the dining room at noon, the other ladies and I watched an edible bouquet being delivered here. We talked about how the flowers are made from fruit, the leaves are slices of honeydew and cantalope and then there were strawberries, grapes, pineapple daisies dipped in chocolate. Yummy stuff. Anyway, when I got back to my room it was on my table. A terrific surprise from my sister.

Another nice call from another brother. Dale called and he is always fun to talk too. I just wish we did it more often! Talked with Marie for a few minutes - she sounds well. Their family is all doing okay.

Hit a major milestone on the Spirometer yesterday. I can hit 1750 consistently and am now stretching to hit 2000. Yes! Before, I could only make it to 1250 - another indication that I had no room to expand my lungs! Duh! I am feeling better everyday - am enjoying the P/T and the "Life of Riley". ha!

Don't know how long they will let me stay here - I am hoping for three weeks. It's been a week since I arrived here at Aspen Ridge West.

Okay, it is about 4:30 AM so I think I will try to snooze for awhile before everyone starts moving around this morning. Have a wonderful day and give my love to all. Carol

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Well, I just published an addition to the blog under the "Tribal Revival" I will see if I can copy and paste any of it. Guess that is not going to work - so here we go again! I just love these 'technical difficulties'. Aaawwggghhh!

Another ordinary day here at Aspen Ridge West. Usual physical therapy this AM and then Melanie stopped by to drop off my clean laundry and Bonnie came by to have lunch with me. For $5.00 and two hours advance notice anyone can join us for any meal. They serve really nice meals that look beautiful and are tasty too. Chris Rich also stopped in at about noon. He is such a neat kid!

At about 3:00 pm I went down to the gym to play Bingo. There were only about six of us and it was alot of fun. I even won a game and chose a small jigsaw puzzle as a prize. I will be able to work on it here in my room in off hours. This place is such a delight! Closest thing to a spa that I have ever experienced. I imagine I could find a spa that would put me thru a lot more pain and charge me a lot more money if I looked really hard. ha!

I had a wonderful phone call from my brother, Keith, this afternoon. It is so great to talk with him. He said he did have a nice call from Merri but he did want to talk to me personally. He sends his love to all and reports that his family is doing fine. He is such a country gentleman and so fun to visit with.

Evelyn is loving the life of a beach bum during her second week in Florida. She loves the beach and the pool and Wally loves playing golf. Such is the life of "roughing it easy" as retired folk.

Not much other news from here. Give my love to all, Carol

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another overcast day with cool temps. I think we surely must be ahead of the usual rainfall amounts. The weather is quite unexpected for the middle of June.

Life for me here at Aspen Ridge West is wonderful. This facility is beautiful - just like a five star hotel. I didn't even know places like this existed. The good thing is that everyone is here for the same purpose - to get better and go home. The decor inside and out is beautiful. The staff and the other patients are very nice and eager to help in any way. I am meeting a lot of new friends and enjoy their company and getting to know them.

Physical therapy is a challenge but is so comical to watch. Most all patients are older than me and they do a lot of the same exercises as I do. Of course, we do have a few whiners, those who sleep while in P/T, etc - very entertaining. I admire the P/T techs who are soooooo patient and keep after their patients until they get their work accomplished.

This center is located in the middle of the valley - so convenient for most of the kids. They drop in whenever possible. Melanie took me to my home the other day and we got some of my clothes and other things that I need to have here with me. She took me to the grocery store and we had quite an adventure. Then she took my laundry home to do and will bring it back tomorrow. Beth came to the house while we were there to give me a hair cut and a new "do". The next day she came here for lunch and to tour the facility. That day (Friday) was a big day because I had lots of visitors. Becky and Merri have been in and out often - seems like there are always some things that I need and don't have.

Well, it is almost time for breakfast so I will close for now. Love to all, Carol

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another sleepless night

It is very early on Saturday morning. Haven't been able to sleep so decided to try the computer and see if it makes me drowsy. ha!

Had a really full day yesterday. Appointment at the Cardiac Clinic at the hospital early am. Got back here to Aspen Ridge and went straight into Physical Therapy and had a really good workout. It is such fun to sit and watch others doing their P/T. I am one of the really young people here - so I don't dare complain about the activities because the little old lady that is 93 is doing the same exercises I do. It is interesting to see/hear others - very, very entertaining. Most of the people arrive at P/T in wheelchairs. Today, one guy just kept falling asleep and it took him a looooong time to get his P/T completed.

Beth came for lunch and to see the facility. Later in the afternoon, I had visits from my friends, Bernice and Arla. Steph, Libby, Curtis and Carolyn arrived, followed by Chris Rich. Merri was already here and participated in the signing of many papers about my stay here at Aspen Ridge. I always like to have another person present for such "signings". Found out I can stay here for 100 days - what Medicare doesn't cover my supplemental will. I may never want to go home. ha!

Curtis brought me book two of Harry Potter. I hope to get a lot of reading done today. After dinner, Steph and Bryan Boose and their four little ones arrived for a visit. So I had a really big day! I hope I can doze a lot today since it is Saturday maybe it will be a slower pace around here.

It has rained nearly all day and night. Today's temps were in the 50s and I think the same is forecast for tomorrow. Pretty chilly for the middle of June.

My appt. at the Cardiac Clinic was uneventful. They asked all the usual questions, drew some blood, and told me I was doing so good that I don't have to go back for a month! My heart is now functioning normally. Amazing - what a turn around can do. Once they got the water around my heart and lungs - everything is good. I am definitely NOT complaining.
Will close for now.
PS I forgot to sign this one. Carol

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You will not believe this-2

Aaawwwwggghhh! It did it again! My 3 or 4 paragraphs has disappeared! I could just scream!

While I was at dinner tonight - I was tapped on the favorite doctor told me he left my newspaper on my bed and said he liked my room. I reminded him that I have a good friend who has an IN with the concierge here. When I got back to my room I found not only the paper but a beautiful orchid plant. What a guy! I think our family is going to adopt him!

Everyone I have met here is wonderful! That is residents and staff. I had breakfast and then later had lunch with the same little old lady. We went to physical therapy at 9:00 AM and got out just in time for lunch at noon. She did the same exercises as I did (I am sure I will feel all those lazy muscles in the morning) - anyway, she told me she is 93!-----old enough to be my mother! She is recuperating from a fall. Another nice thing about being in this intermediate care facility is that everyone is here to get better and go home.

I am the "kid" here - everyone thinks I am so spry. At breakfast, I ended up serving another table of ladies. I think they were under the impression that I work here. ha ha!

Gonna' sign off before this disappears again! Give my love to all. Again, thanks for the thoughts and prayers! Love, love, love, Carol

Footloose and Fancy Free

Computers are wonderful to a point - I wrote yesterday and saved a couple long paragraphs as a draft and guess what? You got it - the draft is nowhere to be found. Darn it!

I was transported to Aspen Ridge West Intermediate Care Center just after lunch yesterday. This is a beautiful facility. I have a private room, bath w/shower, DirectTV, Wireless Internet, climate control of my own room, 5 star accommodations with 24/7 nursing staff. Hopefully after three weeks of coronary rehab I will have developed new habits that will lead me to a healthier person.

The grounds are beautiful - lots of flowers, trees, shrubs: the inside is really nice with a library, dining room, physical therapy rooms, aquarium etc - I wish you could all come visit me and see just what I mean. I think Merri did post a link which would take you on a virtual tour of Aspen Ridge West.

My kids have been sooooooo wonderful - I never was alone while at the hospital - someone was with me 24/7 in ICU as well as on the Heart/Lung Floor. I so appreciate all their love and concern. Family is what it is all about!

Merri mentioned Dr. Aman - he is the nicest man ever! At the hospital, whenever someone talked about that nice doctor - you KNOW they were talking about him. He told me all about when he met his wife - how beautiful she is - their one and only date, their son, etc - what a man! He showed me a letter from President Monson which gives him a "home free" IN to heaven - ha ha! He also told me he is a "Jack Monson." What a hoot!

I guess I gave the kids a really big scare and am sorry about that because I was unconscious for about three days and didn't know what was going on until Wednesday, June 2. But yesterday the doctor told me about the three Ultrasound tests since I arrived at the hospital and with Monday's test - it shows my heart is working normally now. Yes!

My phone number in my room is 801-713-3213, and my cell is still 801-661-6543. Call - I would love to chat with you. Best to call after 11:00 AM because I am in physical therapy until then.

Thanks again for all the love and prayers and the fasting. All has been greatly appreciated. Give my love to all. Carol

Monday, June 7, 2010

She's baaaaaaacccccccckkkkk!

Melly stayed with mom over night and it was completely, udderly uneventful.  Dr. Monsoor Emam brings mom a paper each day!  He is very sweet.  I will let mom elaborate when she is ready to blog.  She has attempted to blog a few times, but encountered a few technical difficulties.  We'll let her try again later.  If we continue down this path, she will be released either tomorrow, or Wednesday!

Mom asked that we look into a intermediate care facility.  Michele, mom's social worker, is helping us get lined up there.  Mom looked at a few online and her first choice is Aspen Ridge West.  You can check out the website at  Dr. Emam says it's like a 5star hotel.  She can be there up to 20 days.

More later - Merri

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6/6/10 - Good Sunday Morning!

We had a restful night.  The overnight staff is less intrusive than in ICU.  They were like small breezes that slipped in and out.  Mom slept well - I slept like the dead, as usual (not a great quality for the 'night watchman'). 

At last check mom's sugar was down to 154.  Looking back to last evening's high sugar scare, there were some hints of what was coming.  I thought I should share them with her other 'watchers', so we can nip any future  Mom was unusually chatty.  Mom is wonderful to talk to and with, but she was doing more of the talking than usual.  Then when she laid back and shut her eyes, she got down-right goofy.  She was laughing and poking at something in the air.  The nurse (Anne) tried to ask her a few questions, like 'what day is it?... do you know where you are?' - and I could tell she wanted to answer, had the answer, but couldn't bring her self out of sleep enough to answer.  When Anne and I tried to wake her, we couldn't (panic).  It took several minutes (enough for me to call for backup) before we could bring her up and out of that sleep but then she would only bubble to the surface, for a few seconds.

She  is doing quite well this morning. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Out of Intensive Care! No more tubes!

This evening mom got moved out of ICU!  Yippie!  We are in room 408.  However, she gave us another scare.  Her sugar has been on the rise and tonight, when her new nurse, Anne tried to ask her some questions, she was unresponsive.  We couldn't wake her up.  I (Merri) was here alone with her and it felt very familiar - seemed just like last Sunday when this whole thing started!  I immediately called for family back-up - Leo, TJ, and Becky came running.  However, by the time they got here, mom was talking to Anne, still a little goofy, but not for long.  She is back to her cheerful, chatty, coherent self - thank goodness.  Following Dr. Eman's orders, Anne gave her some insulin and brought her sugar from 320 to 154.  Whew!  I have the overnight shift and have told Bex she can go back home, but I am secretly wishing she stays. 

2 am Saturday June 5th.

Wow what a day of activity!!! Momma is sleeping quite well at this point. But Cory and I are pretty awake. In all the hub-bub, Barbie and I forgot to tell momma that Cory was coming up for the night. So when he got here, she was very pleasantly surprised to see him, and thrilled to know that he was going to be staying. Barbie bid us adieu and went home to rest and recoup. What a vigilant and valiant caregiver she is. Thanks Barbie!!!
Mom did a good job with the spirometer, consistently hitting 1250, and that was at midnight. Her RN tonight is Cobi, A great nurse who really wanted to explain to us what mom's heart is experiencing. Of Course mom told her how mad she was when they sent her home after her April 22nd visit here, with info on Congestive Heart Failure, especially since she did not ever heard one person say the words during her stay. They used words like, effusion and she just did not want to think "failure" of course... really, who does want to think failure of any kind???
So Cobi explained to Cory and I how just like when you get a good scrape on your arm, the body reacts to injury or insult the area under attack will become inflamed and will weep, putting off liquids to protect the assaulted tissues. The kidneys do it, the skin does it, eyes do it, Nose does it, guess what?? So does the heart!!! And Momma's heart has had alot of irritation and annoyances lately.
That, I felt was a good layman's interpretation of what is going on. And it makes complete sense.

Of Note: we have just had to put her Oxygen cannulea back in for the third time. She is sleeping quite soundly and has pulled it out. She has no idea we have put it back..... Another reason we need to be diligent and watch her. You know I remember her doing that on Saturday night in Lakeview Hospital too. Umm .... I am not liking that thought path. I am Closing this post as Cory begins to snore in Stereo with momma, yes we are sleeping on the floor in her room (very against the rules - Yikes!!) ...... I am going to hold her hand and lay my head on her bed so I can know when she moves to scratch her face and maybe pull the cannulea again. We gotta make sure her O2 Saturation stays up there if we are hoping to get out of ICU - and onto a regular floor.
Huge hugs and Big Love,
Becky Sue

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wishing I Was Bedside with My Momma

I am thinking of you from afar Mom.  I will get there as quick as I can tomorrow.  I am glad you are doing so much better.  I can't wait to be back by your bedside, holding your hand.  See you soon!  Love you!  Merri

Keep those cards and letters coming!!

We share all of your well wishes, emails, phone calls, posts, etc. with Mom.  She is very pleased to hear from all of you.  Keep the words of encouragement coming.  (The beautiful bouquet  in the picture is from Beth.) 

Friday 6/4 Noonish

Becky's Cryptic note taking while Docs were in the room.

Doctor Revenaugh.( Cardiologist)

He is talking about what they believe started this all. Fluid retention in Intestines
as well as heart and lungs.

Contributing factors:
Overdoing - Physical activities
Forgetting Lasix (diuretic)

heart muscle is weakened
Replacement Valve could have been too Small
Heart Failure Service - Clinic Participation here at IHC with special team of CHF specialists,
Barb Asked how long we would work with the CHF team until we are facing the possibility of
a mechanical valve. Dr. Ravenaugh Made it very clear that would be the worst case scenario, and he was confident that working with the CHF Team and the Program here at IHC would
avert the need for another Open heart Surgery.

Maybe tomorrow out of ICU - Into a regular room - But in the
Hospital here until mid next week.
Current Condition is Stated as "Critical but Stable" or "Guarded".

They are talking about her getting ICE CHIPS!!!!!!
The social worker is here asking mom about her concerns about discharge concerns.

1000 on the incentive spirometer. HOORAY!!! hit 1500 @ noon and Again at 12:30PM

11:20 - she is out for a walk with the PT and Beth.

Back from the walk and Wade gave her ICE CHIPS - she said it was better than Caviar.
(ANYTHING is better than caviar!!)

Dr. Rasmussen (Critical Care Intensivist)- She is too well for his service. He is going to have to move on and find some body sick.
Ordered Dietary Changes - Remove Nasal Gastric tube, Get on soft foods - 3 Meals a day.

Heart failure Specialists will move into her caring team and will work with Dr. Revenaugh.


Barbie and I Are holding steady but getting hungry ..... Can you hear the tummy rumbles - Time to think about food ...........

Love to all, Thank you for celebrating the good news with us.
Huge hugs and big love,
Becky Sue & Barbie Too!!!!

Friday AM 6\4

Hello Again Kaggie Fans,
Last night was a more restful one for momma. since they ex-tubated her yesterday afternoon, they had her breathing with a misting mask over her nose and mouth to help her airway and voice box heal from the trauma of the Endo Tracheal Tube. This morning she is on a regular oxygen canulea and is much more comfortable. And is resting well.
Today the plan is for The physical Therapist to get her up and moving around as much as possible.
I want to share with you some things I learned from Blessed Bryan (the ICU nurse that worked so diligently that first day Here) About the differences in the Medical grade classifications. Since I had always understood that being on a Ventilator was the criteria for "critical" condition. He told me "yes you are right", (my favorite four words). He told me they consider momma in "Guarded" Condition. The reason we are still in ICU is because she is still on IV Epinephrine And because the recent ex-tubation has her as an aspiration risk. So until they (speech Therapy) give her the green light so she can swallow, an she gets some ice chips and applesauce, to go down. We will be in ICU, for a few more days it looks. Then they will be able to get her to a recovery type floor. We Floor sleepers are very excited about that possibility. (Aunt Ev hates the futon beds in the regular rooms, but compared to the floor sleeping, it is like the Ritz!) But Having Momma in the unit or on the floor that is best for HER is Priority number one. She has now spoken to Aunt Ev and Ray and Verna Roberts, on the phone. Right now they are giving her a bath at bedside - she is in a chair next to the bed. and she is loving the shampoo she is getting from Natalie. She just said this was like a having a spa day. She is smiling and happy right now. We are coming to you directly from her room right now. More later as we get to talk with the doctor and Physical Therapists.
Love and hugs to all!!
Becky Sue

Thursday, June 3, 2010

2am on Thursday June 3rd: Random Notes

Just a couple of noteworthy things:
Since you have all heard about Momma's Unusual degree of fiestiness, I need to share this with you. As you know she has been able to communicate with us via dry erase board. She signaled to write so I prepared the board and since she pulls the clipboard ( which has a 8 x 10 dry erase "notepad" taped to the back of it) and I can not see what she writes until she is finished writing, I was not quite prepared for what I was about to see.......
She turns the board towards me, motions toward her foley (urinary) catheter, and then points to the words she had written "This is the Piss" then she pointed to the cardio-centesis fluid collection bag and points to the words she had written. "this is the vinegar". We laughed so hard that she had a coughing fit.
Also of note:
The ventilator machine puts off a series of tones, that varies depending on the mode it is set on. Right now the alarm tone for indicating an abnormal pattern of breathing ( in which category laughter is definitely located) The machine puts off a tone very much like the Horn that one of the Marx Brothers uses, And it just seems to make us laugh even harder. I think we have determined the machines name is Harpo. Knowing that laughter is truly the best medicine, I believe this model of ventilator had a development team of comic geniuses ( to get the Harpo Horn so right) or they need to make the Machine smart enough to identify the difference between gasps and guffahs.
Another tidbit:
Inter-mountain Medical Center is unrivaled in quality of care. Doctors Hildegard Smith and Ravenaugh have been stellar. The ICU Nurses are amazing, first in their caring of Mom, and second in their compassion to her children. They Are Bryan, Ryan, Claire, Joni, Stephanie and Adam. They have allowed us to stay with momma - even though the "book" does not allow for that. They have answered our questions, without making us feel like "lesser educated beings" same with the PT's OT's and CNA's and with only one exception the Resp Therapists have been awesome as well ( Special ^5 for Juliet who suggested throwing darts at "lil Hilter")
Last one:
When someone tells you that LDS elders are not available to give a Momma in an ICU unit a blessing at 1:15 am, go ask someone else!!! There are blessed beings available at any and all times. Just a tip, Try asking the Under appreciated, over worked, sweet spirit at the Emergency Room registration of any hospital. when she says "I know just who to call - do you want One or Two?" Then hands you a kleenex when she sees your tears. You know you were guided to the right person. Angels are everywhere. I dare you to doubt it.
OK I am done for now - Thanks for reading my rant.
Peace & Blessings,
Becky Sue

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Night time 6/2 closing in on 6/3

Hey Kaggie fans!!!
She has had a day full of excitement. The Physical and occupational therapy, marching by the bed, an actual out of bed commode experience. A Sponge Bath, visits from a few different Doctors, beloved family visits. Still on the ventilator, still in ICU. We know we are at least going through the night with the vent tube in place. There is a chance that if her night is a smooth one - she may get the tube out tomorrow. Although she had a recent episode during a tracheal suctioning (about an hour ago) it really made her mad. She decided that writing on the erasable white board kind of communicating is the best - through that we have really been able to get her feelings and fears,l and thoughts, and such. it has been a great relief. We tell her of the Phone calls into any of us and comments on the blog. She really can feel your love and prayers. Keep them coming, we have a few more corners to turn. She even turned on the TV and watched the news. I hope she has a great and restful night and that tomorrow she will continue to make improvements.
Peace and Blessings,
Becky Sue

6/2 - We are communicating! Yippie!

Thanks for all the suggestions! The hospital had an alphabet board that we commandeered. Couple that with a pointing device and woo-hoo we have communication! We have made great strides today. She is awake and alert. They turned off the ventilator, it's not breathing for her at all, but is providing some oxygen. Her O2 sats are staying over 90. Her lungs got a little lazy while she was on the ventilator, we have to keep reminding her to take deep breaths. Tuffy went and bought a kitchen timer that goes off every 2 minutes to remind her to breathe deep. They removed many of the wires and tubes (Bex will have to fill you in on the names and purposes of each - she's the one that speaks medical-lingo). She has seen the physical and occupational therapists today. They had her up and marching in place! What a difference a day makes! Your prayers are appreciated and obviously working! Keep them coming!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6/1 Evening update - She spunky - but angry

Mom has been awake more this afternoon and evening. However, she is very frustrated and angry that she can't communicate with us verbally. We are trying very hard to understand what she is trying to say. We have used many mediums (maybe we need a medium - or mind reader). We tried having her write, which she can do, but with the tube down her throat she can't pick-up her head and her hands are restrained to keep her from pulling out the tubes (and she would if she could), so that means she is writing blindly. Her first written communication was 'pile of balls - velcro' followed by 'molecular model' - she was thrilled when we confirmed that she was telling us she feels like a 'molecular model'. If anyone out there can interpret the significance of that, please do. We apologized for our poor Charades and Pictionary skills, to which she replied, 'you need to play more'. We tried making an alphabet board that she can point to, but that frustrated her as well. We are open to suggestions on how to better communicate with her non-verbally, if you have suggestions. We were able to understand her when she told us she misses her mom and dad, and that she feels bad for Sandy Sterling, because she doesn't have a mom. Barb seems to be best able to understand her and she isn't letting Barb leave her side. Melanie and I are spending the night, too - for moral support for Barbie. She smiles and nods when we tell her of all the calls and messages from friends and family - keep those coming.

Tuesday 5pm

They ran a CT scan this afternoon, They did not place a chest tube as they anticipated they would need. There is not a whole lot of effusion (Lung/heart excess fluid) They did place a Nasal Gastric tube for feeding. She will be on the ventilator for at least another day. They ran an arterial line into her left wrist, so they can remove the one in her right groin. Adam told me they are hoping to get her up to walk around - Of course I assumed that meant she would be off the ventilator to do that.... but he quickly corrected me, and let me know they can go for walks on the vent. (Darnit - I just know she would so like to get that out. She asked about Aunt Ev, and also asked about Frank.

Tuesday Morning 6/1/2010

We had an uneventful night. Mom is pretty much the same as the last update. She is still running a fever and they are still trying to determine where her infection is hiding. They have cultured everything they can, but cultures take time to grow. So time is what we are looking at, and it is seeming to be moving so slowly. Merri and I slept well last night, and are determined to stick out the day. I am sure as the day wears on we may change our minds.
Today's Momma's nurse is Adam, (if you watch Big Bang, Picture Sheldon..., yes really!!) He let us know that the Hildegard Smith team will be gathering to discuss the course of action for today. We will post more once they have let us know what the plan for the day is.
Love to all.....
Becky Sue
PS: Hildegard Smith is Utah's Dr House!! She is the Critical Care Team lead and is held in very high esteem by her team members. Since I LOVE House, I am relieved to know that we have the best of the best working our Sweet Momma.

Monday, May 31, 2010

5/31 9pm Update - Awake and Responsive - Smiling, Nodding, Squeezing Hands...

They allowed mom to wake up and visit with us for a short while tonight. Her eyes were bright, she was smiling, nodding (even laughing at bad jokes), and squeezing our hands. It gave us all much hope for a happy outcome. When she is awake, her BP drops, so they will continue to sedate her so she can rest and recover comfortably. Watch for more updates. Nights are scary. Becky and I are staying tonight. Keep your fingers crossed with us.

5/31 6pm Update - some improvements - Dr is 'cautiously optomistic'

This afternoon they did a cardiocentesis (Google says it's surgical puncture into the pericardial space for the aspiration of fluid). This has resulted in the removal of over 500mL (that is 16+ oz) of fluids (good news). Her blood pressure is improving enough to where they have taken her off of two of the three meds to control that (more good news). Her kidneys are producing more (also good news). Her temp is down from high 102s to 99 (great news). She is down from 100% ventilator assist to 40% and we expect the ventilator tube will be removed soon - which maybe the best news of all, simply because momma HATES having that tube down her throat. We will keep the news coming via this blog and for my admittedly technology adverse Uncles, we will call with important updates daily. Keep sending the happy thoughts and prayers.

5/31 mid-morning

They allowed mom to wake up for a moment to make sure she would. She responded to questions, squeezed hands, smiled and pointed on cue. That is encouraging. Then they re-administered the sedative to make her comfortable. More as we know it.

Mom's heart is failing fast - Send prayers

No good news. At 11:00 last night (Saturday), Mom was doing pretty good - her BP was around normal for her. They gave her her night meds, which included a new anti-biotic, Lortab, Ambien, and Amapriptilene (don't hold me to the spelling). A few minutes later, she decided to try laying on her stomach to relieve the sharp pain between her shoulder blades. When she did that, her BP seemed to drop, so she rolled back onto her back but her BP took another nose dive. A couple of minutes later, it was down to 60/30, her o2 saturation fell to under 40, her heart rate slowed to 20 beats per minute and she lost consciousness. At that point, nurses came out of the woodwork! There were probably 8 of them in the room trying to help her. They moved her to ICU to try to help her. After a few hours in ICU, without improvement, they sent her by ambulance to a bigger hospital - the one she was in for heart surgery. At this point, the doctors say her heart is failing. She is sedated and they are trying to relieve the pressure from the fluids, while trying to rehydrate her. I will continue to post as updates become available.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

5/30 Pressure rising - and falling - and rising...

Precious Becky stayed with Mom through the night. I relieved her at about 4pm. She took Smokey Joe to her house and will stay home for some rest tonight. I (Merri), will stay with her tonight. When I arrived, they reported that pneumonia is no longer suspected, but she does have some kind of infection (known by her elevated white count). Also, at my arrival, they were threatening to move her to ICU if her BP didn't get better. The very next reading showed improvement. It has been up to 133/86. But after she sat up to eat dinner (she had maybe 3 bites), her BP dropped to 97/67. She is back down and we are watching for improvement. Keep sending the warm thoughts and prayers.

5/29 Back to the ER with difficulty breathing

Mom had spent Thurs and Friday nights at Becky's, but Saturday morning, she felt like she wasn't getting enough oxygen, so Becky took her home where she could use the Oxygen concentrator to give her some help. Four hours later, she hadn't improved. Leon and I came up to visit. Becky reported that they hadn't been able to get an oxygen saturation read from meter. We tried on got get a reading from her finger, toe, nose, and ear. It worked on everybody else, so it wasn't the meter. With Leon's prompting, mom agreed to go back to the ER. The ER staff told us that pulse/oxy meters don't work if your hands are cold. Using the ER meter, her O2 saturation was good - but her blood pressure was very low. They did some blood work and took x-rays. They took her for a walk without oxygen which really wore her out and after seeing the internist on call, decided to admit her. Overnight, her BP continued to drop - going as low as 55/33 (yikes)!

4/22 Back to the Hospital with Congestive Heart Failure

Mom found it harder and harder to breathe, even with oxygen - so back to the ER where she was admitted with Congestive Heart Failure. That means she had water on her lungs and around her heart, making those organs overworked and inefficient. Medication (Lasiks -sp?) worked to relieve that pressure and the last few weeks mom had regained some strength and was no longer dependent on her oxygen tank. Fast forward to 5/29 - see next post.

4/13 Ablation seems to have helped the racing heart situation - yeah!

I am adding a few 'headlines' to play catch-up

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggetty jog!!!!!

Ahhhhh, home again and winging it on my own! Smokey Joe and I are doing just fine so far! In reality, it has only been the last three or four days that I have felt like I was ready to be at home and alone! We are settled in. Tired but I guess that is to be expected.

I have got to give it time, I guess. I get frustrated at not being able to do what I used to do or want to do. All in due time!!!!!

This week, Melanie will take me to an appt. with the electrophysioligist who will do the ablation. Don't know the date of that - will find out Tuesday, I guess. Then on Thursday, Merri will take me to visit the surgeon for a follow-up visit. Sure do hope all is going well.

The four trips to the ER since surgery were harrowing - but hopefuly, after the ablation, those won't happen again! Right now, I am taking two Rx to help keep my heart from racing. So far, so good.

I was surprised to find my flower beds all weeded and with some new plants in them when I got home yesterday. I have a really neat home teacher, Val Wilson, that is just the greatest guy ever! He stopped in Tuesday when I was home for awhile and visited with me. He acts like his good deeds are "just taking care of business" !!!! What a neat man!

Spring has sprung - at least today. Yesteday, we drove thru a blizzard and then 20 minutes later were driving in the sunshine. Today, we travelled with the car windows down for most of the afternoon. It is wonderful to see the crocus and other Spring flowers making their presence known. Before we know it - Easter will be here!

Again, I thank everyone for their calls, letters, cards, sweet messages, thoughts and prayers. They have been/are very much appreciated!

Home is good!

Home again, home again, jiggedy jog!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lookin Good!

Seth and I went to visit Grandma today! She looked great! One of the aids came while we were there to check her stats and said that everything is looking good. woo hoo! Go Grandma! I guess tomorrow her oxygen will be optional during the day, so that's great. Seth was VERY interested in her oxygen and tubes. We finally got some Yo Gabba Gabba going and he calmed down for a minute or two. That boy wears me out. I was about to use grandma's oxygen!

Aunt Ev is getting ready to go on Thursday so Grandma will be spending the next two weeks at my mom's house. Lance better not knock her over!

Love you Mom-Mom The Great! You are SO strong! We had a very fun time visiting with you!

xoxo Seth and Sar

March 2, 2010 5 PM

Hi, the procedure went well and reduced her heart rate to 95ish, better than 130ish. They knocked her out to shock her heart and I figured she'd sleep the afternoon away, not so. She is one tough cookie. I'm so glad all went well and appreciate Merri coming to go with us. She is to make a Dr. appointment for two weeks. She'll go to her Primary care Dr. on the 8th, another appointment with the cardiologist in two weeks, and a follow up with the surgeon on the 25th. Thursday Carol will go and spend some time at Mel's house since I'm heading back to Indy. Carol enjoys hearing from you all and has enjoyed the cards as well. I'm sure she'll be out running around before we know it.

March 2, 2010

Good Morning one and All. Carol has been doing really well re-cooping, but her pulse has been running kinda high since last Thursday. The Dr. gave her some new meds to bring the pulse rate down, but it hasn't worked. We had our scheduled appointment with the Dr. yesterday. He has scheduled a procedure this morning where they will knock her out and shock her heart, hoping that will make it get back on the normal rythum. Other than that little set back all has been well. The Dr. also took her off the oxygen except at night and when she feels out of breath. That's a wonderful thing, we could tell you all kinds of stories about that oxygen tubing! I head home on Thursday after a wonderful three weeks with Carol. Her girls are coming up with a plan to take over the watch.

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1 - Heart is beating too fast, again...

I thought I would fill every one in on an additional procedure that mom will have tomorrow. Many of you know that mom has had periodic bouts with a condition that sends her heart racing. This has happened several times over the years. The recent surgery was not intended to cure this condition. However, the surgery has seemed to aggravate it. She was sent to the hospital to have her heart stopped and re-started a week or so ago (see Aunt Evs post). Since last Thursday it has been racing (beating twice as fast as it should). Today she saw Dr. Anding and he has ordered that tomorrow she go to the hospital to be anesthetized and her heart shocked back into normal rhythm. I am going to accompany mom and Aunt Ev and will let everyone know how it goes.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, Feb 23, 2010

Hello again!
Well, I have been home for a week and two days now. I feel stronger every day! I am still learning about things I said or did while "under the influence" (anesthesia or pain pills, don't know which). Melanie has been sharing all kinds of fun stories and the like. Pretty funny, I'd say. I do want her to add them to the blog because I want all the notes chronicled in one place. Some day, I am sure I will try to deny the wildest stories! ha!
Evelyn and I have been reading a lot. We are really full of pep and vinegar - ha! She is on her seventh book and I am about to finish up my second book. We read and then sleep for awhile, and read and sleep, etc. She does make me eat every now and then. She is really a good cook and I am sure I will have that recorded for time and eternity, too.
Melanie has come over two times so Evelyn could run some errands and it is fun to visit with Melanie. Tomorrow, Evelyn will take me over to Sarah's to visit with Melanie and Seth while Evelyn goes down to the Salt Lake Temple. Should give Evelyn a much deserved break.
It has been fun to have visitors. Chris comes after work often, Cory came on Saturday after teaching at the Community College. Beth and Frank and then Frank and Brenna stopped in one day. Merri, Leon and Shelby visited us on Sunday. We have had four different PH members visit - and Jean came over last night and told me she is moving TODAY. Don't know if that will pan out or not. It might get really quiet around this neighborhood.
Today was a busy one: the home health nurse came by, then the physical therapist, then the oxygen man, Melanie and Chris - busy,. busy day for two old ladies!
Guess I will sign off for now. Thanks again to all for the phone calls, emails, cards and letters - all are greatly appreciated.
Love to all,

WooHoo we've been home a week now! - By Evelyn

WooHoo we've been home a week now! Carol is amazing, she is improving each day and you can even see the changes. She's a good patient and is now ready for visitors, so I'm taking the STOP sign down today.

Day 4. Another great day. - By Evelyn

Day 4. Another great day. Carol is doing really good, doing her exercises and walking around. She isn't a complainer, not on any pain meds or anything. She is looking great too. We are enjoying the quiet, just hanging out reading, reading, reading. She appreciates all the cards and calls.

Day 3 of being home. - By Evelyn

Day 3 of being home. Once we got home from our little adventure yesterday, all went well. She had a good nights sleep, and is not using her walker or needing help getting out of the chair. She is even sneaking by me at times, quiet as a mouse. I think that's her intention to tell ya the truth. She has eaten a good breakfast, taken her vitals and all is GOOD. The PT is to come at noon to give an assessment. I'm amazed at how well she is doing.
Aunt Ev

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day After the Day After I got home from the Hospital

I am sure Evelyn brought everyone up to date about our experience yesterday. Never a dull moment around here. However, Evelyn reminds me that she did NOT sign up for hazardous duty! I have had similar SVT episodes before and I guess it is not uncommon for patients to have some Afib after open heart surgery - but this time it was ME! When I went from the office of my cardiologist to the Same Day Surgery at the nearby hospital, my heart rate was 198 so they waited for my doctor to arrive and then gave me a shot of Denizene that stopped my heart and then it picked up on the correct rythym. I relaxed for about 1/2 hour and then we came home. End of story. Except, I was exhausted because they said it was like I was running a marathon for those 3 hours that my heart freaked out. So, today, I am tired but still up and running. The Physical Therapist came today and we did allowable exercises and of course, there is always my blue breathing inspirator! Yuck! Just can't seem to make much progress with that thing!
Have a wonderful day! Carol

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday - By Auntie Ev

Evelyn said...

Tuesday--day 2 at home. Carol is NOT using her walker and has been up and about several times, even getting up out of her chair herself. The biggy was taking a shower alone. After all that she is ready for a nap. We are waiting the Home Health nurse right now. I think once that is over with she will be enjoying a LONG NAP. She is doing great, even slept well last night.
Aunt Ev

Evelyn said...

Tuesday day 2 at home. How fast things change, by 11:10 am Carol experienced a racing heart SVT super ventricular tachocarty, my spelling is awful I know. She had just made her 2 week appointment with her cardiologist, so called them back, they wanted her to come into the office for an EKG. The home health nurse arrived at the same time and confirmed Carol's thoughts. She helped me get her into the car. Off to the Dr., whose EKG machine wasn't working but the Dr. was in the office and checked her. He sent us to the ER rtight next door so he could do a procedure. They ended up giving her a shot in an IV that stopped her heart then it began beating like it was supposed too. Scarey for me, not being around anything like that before. Anyway she is now home again and just fine. He did put her on Denizen once again, upped her potasium, and magnazium. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Monday, February 15, 2010

At Home Day 2

Okay. As another day draws to a close I am visiting with Beth and trying to see what's on the blog at the same time. Today, Evelyn took Hannah back to BYU. While she was gone, Leon (Merri's husband) came to "momma-sit". We had a good visit, then I snoozed awhile. Leon had a good visit with Gloria and before we knew it - Evelyn was back. She had the opportunity to visit with a group of friends this evening - so Beth came over to "momma-sit" while she is gone. I read, doze, read, doze, etc. - living on the edge, ha!

It has been wonderful to receive cards and get well greetings from all our family and friends. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers. Well, until tomorrow - love to all. Carol

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Looking Swell

If I were smart enough to add music to this blog it would be to the tune of Hello Dolly....Hum along..."Hello, Momma, Well, Hello Momma, its so nice to have you back where you belong"!!!!!It is nice to have her back home in familiar surroundings.
( It is also very nice to have Aunt Ev here for a few weeks. What a kind and loving sister she is! Hanna came up from BYU for the Presidents Day weekend to spend some time with her Grandma Ev.)
It was fun to see Mom back at home today. She looks so good...just like her same old self. Except for the oxygen tube and walker she keeps near her "just in case" would hardly know the ordeal that she has been through this week. I told her that she has set the bar very high for all of us should we find ourselves in a similar situation down the road. Of course, she still has alot more healing to do before she is ready to go jogging!! She will be taking it VERY easy for 6 to 12 more weeks. It is a good thing that she has Aunty Ev to help pass a few of those weeks! It is also a great blessing to have some favorite hobbies that she may get to when she get some energy back.
But for now, she is settling down for a "long, winter's nap/rest/recoup/siesta/etc.".
Here is a picture proof that she is looking good!!
Love you, Mom. So glad to have you "back where you belong".

Ode to Barbie

Dearest Barbie - Sissy-poo,

I wanted to use this public forum to tell you how much I appreciate all the selfless care you gave, and continue to give to Mom. The round the clock attention had to be exhausting!!! You are amazing! Thank you!

So many helped to care for Mom during her hospital stay - thank you all!

I love you,

Home, Home, What a Place!

Determining the right vehicle for the ride home reads a little like Mother Goose wrote it... Mom's Expedition, Barb's Landcruiser, and Leon's Z71 are 'too tall'. Mel's RX5, and my Sebring are 'too short'. Bill's Avenger was deemed the perfect height to be the carriage to return the queen to her castle, so Mellie was the driver.

Mom asked that Chris meet us to be her strong helping hands up the front porch steps. She made it up the steps just fine. Inside, Aunt Ev had yummy smelling vegetable soup warming on the stove, and chicken salad for easy sandwich makin' at the ready! We settled Mom in, Becky tucked her in 'snug as a bug in a rug' just the way Mom likes it. She is ready for long, undisturbed rest - no poking, prodding nurses, aides, or Drs.

Home healthcare beat her home and the home oxygen is all set up and ready to go. They will be back tomorrow to start physical therapy, and to watch her diabetes and other vitals. Thank you Aunt Ev for taking care of our Momma!

Sunday Going Home

Ok It is 11:00 am and Dr. Powers came in with the "word" and we are getting ready to go home. Wow!! Happens fast!! We are gathering our Kaggie Goes home crew...... I am certain she will be enjoying the whole aspect of not being bothered every couple of hours. And that she will rest really good for a few days once she gets home. I am going to turn the blogging duties over to Momma and those who pop in for a visit. Will try to get something posted about the move home.
Happy VALENTINES DAY!!! Love love love love, Becky Sue

Sunday Morning

It is Becky Again...... Momma says we are watching for Dr Doty today, or Dr. Caine, Or any other good looking guy that comes through the door, who can send her home...... She was up and rearing to go at 5 am. .... Needless to say...,, I was NOT!! She just had breakfast and was ready to go for a walk..... so we got her walker ready to go. She asked me about taking her oxygen canulae with us on the walk.... and I tried to unplug it from the wall, but we had nothing to hook it to. So we left the room without it, we got just about to the elevators when we ran into a nurse looking lady, and momma asked her, "are we supposed to have oxygen when we do this?" just so happens the young lady was from cardio rehab and she asked mom, "what level are you on?" to which mom replied "4".., the little lady said "Well YEAH!" an quickly escorted us back to the room and put a pulse oxymeter on her finger. Her levels quickly came back from 71 into the 90's. The respiratory therapist is in now. she got to 1000 in the spirometer. She is going to take a walk with the professionals (Mallory) as soon she gets off the potty. Still hoping to make it home today, she may be taking a oxygen tank with her. FYI: her potassium levels are now normal. They prefer to see them higher on this floor, She report NO pain, See how much can happen in the course of a blog??? Needless to say, I think we will have to think about readying the "Take Kaggie Home" crew for this afternoon. Stay tuned!!
Signing off for now.... Becky Sue

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Evening

This is Becky here using Barbies account. Barbie has finally gone home after a 5 day vigil at Mommas beside. Barbie I salute you and Marvel at the love and care you have given our sweet momma. I know she must be a little nervous to have a newbie on duty.... but i will do everything that Barbie taught me. Momma is enjoying a sack lunch for dinner and is really happy to not have meat and potatoes again. She is really regaining her humor, and I personally revel in her sassyness. Have a great night!! Momma says "Tell everybody I said Hi".
Signing off for now.... Becky Sue


Mom and I were both up before breakfast and she was sitting in her chair when it arrived. She has taken a long walk (full loop) already this morning and is now taking a nap. She loves her naps!! Thank you all for your patience on the visitations. We appreciate everyone allowing her the rest she needs to recover! she is doing so much better. She even said that she'd like to post her own comments and the blog so watch for that. :0)
Last night we watched the opening ceremonies but they gave her her meds shortly before they lit the torch so she never did get to see it. She is almost walking with out assistance but needs something to hold on to for balance. She is getting around really well and improving in all areas everyday. Her lungs look better but is still doing/needing her breathing exercises.
Love you all,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Afternoon

Doctor Doty came to see mom this afternoon and said mom is recovering really well but to my relief she will NOT be going home tomorrow. She needs to be more mobile before going home. She needs to be able to "make her self a sandwich" before she can leave. Getting around better is the key to her leaving.
Updates to come,

Good News!

Mom is doing so much better today! after yesterdays sleeping and being "out of it" most of the morning, watching her wake up with a clear head has been a total relief!
Mom has had all but her oxygen removed. Free at last!!! She got up early this morning, fed herself, had a bath, had her hair done and had some visitors. A big improvement from yesterday I'll tell you!
Merri just pointed out to me the errors in my blogging, I put Wednesday instead of Thursday. So you all have to excuse me and my Punch drunkerd-ness!! hee hee. This lack of sleep thing is a crazy feeling!!
Better to blog with errors than to not blog at all I always say.

So the doctors say she might go home tomorrow! If Aunt Ev and I have a say in the matter she'll stay until Sunday when she's able to get around on her own better!

She is very tired and seems to need rest more that anything right now. She loves to take her naps and doesn't like it when the nurses come in to take her vitals.

Love to all,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday Evening

This afternoon momma enjoyed visiting with Auntie Ev. She did a whole lap around the 3rd floor!! She is coughing a lot and working with the incentive spirometer. The coughing is important to clear her airway. And the spirometer helps to increase lung volume. She is getting oxygen through nasal canulae at a tidal volume of 3. (oh, Becky the medical girl added that) She remains pretty sleepy, and is looking forward to sleeping tonight. Barbie just asked her if she wanted to sleep or do the breath exercises, Momma said "how about some Ice Cream". Ha Ha Ha! That is a good sign. We had a good laugh. (Barb again) But I promise she WILL do her breathing exercises after her ice cream. Her smile is lovely and we are enjoying the awake time with her. This evening I see my mom. Halleluja!!
Love ta all

Thursday Early Morning

Dr Doty just stopped by to check on mom. I asked him about her chest x-ray they took yesterday and he said that the right lung needs work. (Needs to do her breathing exercises and coughing) He said that she might go home this weekend and that the catheter will stay in another day until we can get her producing more fluids.
I thought I'd better post this before I forget what the doctor said.
The lack of sleep has made me, as Mel says, Punch Drunk and my memory...It were crap (line from the Full Monty)
***look Melly I figured out how to add the pic****
Love you

Wednesday Night / Thursday Morning

Good Morning,
is still asleep. They came in a couple times during the night to give her some meds. but for the most part let her be. She has been coughing most of the night which they say is a good thing. Every time I would hear her I would wake up to check on her. And then she didn't cough for a while which made me wake up (in a panic) and I had to check on her. When she wakes up for the day we will continue to work on her lungs/breathing and liquid intake. I think they'll remove her cath. today too which would be great and allow her the mobility she needs to exercise those lungs.
I'll keep you posted,
Love you,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Drainage Tube Removed

The drainage tube was removed at 2:30 pm Wednesday. I swear within 10 min her color looked better and her eyes brightened. They took her in for a chest X-Ray at 5:00pm and will let you know what it looks like when we hear anything. She is sitting up right now eating a steak dinner. We'll work on breathing exercises after dinner and keep her full of fluids.
Love you guys,
at the moment we have mom sitting in a chair to help her lungs! Her lungs have not been recovering as well as they have wanted so sitting should help the process. She just had lunch and ate quite a bit. The nurse, Annalee, has been concerned about her not drinking enough. I promise I will be better at keeping her hydrated. I will also be diligent about doing her breathing exercises!
Love you all,

Morning 3 Update

Mom was able to rest REALLY good.  Last evening, purposely there were less visitors.  This allowed for much needed rest.  We will want to continue to restrict visitors for the next few days.  In addition to the caregiver, maybe only one visitor at a time. A phone call to the green phone for a verbal update is preferred (801-739-1680). We all want Mom to recover quickly and rest is a big part of that! We read the blog comments and emails from all of you to Mom often and they warm her heart!  Her spirits are good, but your warm thoughts are always bring a twinkle to her eyes!  Keep them coming!  She is looking better everyday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 2 Afternoon Update

The hospital gives the family member who is staying with the patient the title "Partner in Healing". Barb has been that partner through the last two nights and has happily gone without sleep in order to be Mom's eyes, ears and advocate. This afternoon, with Mom settled back into a normal room, they are bothing trying to get a little rest.
So I thought I would do them the favor of giving an update per our conversation a few minutes ago. Sounds like she has had multiple tubes removed which makes her much more comfortable. She had a little toast to eat and will get some dinner soon. She walked a bit this morning and has another walk scheduled for this evening. Getting up and moving about has been good for her lungs and she is getting better at making the spirometer (breathing toy!) hit the mark that the respiratory therapist has set for her.
Jared and I went over to her house this afternoon and did a little furniture moving in preparation for her return home. A comfy recliner has been strategically placed in her bedroom to allow her the chance to be away from daily noises and distractions. It will also allow her and Ev to be near to each other through the night.
We are also thinking about putting a sign of some kind in her front window to let neighbors and friends know when she is up to having company and when she is not.
Signing out for now...Beth

Wolfe Kids in 2008

I stumbled upon this photo taken at Dale's 50th Anniversary party, I believe. It is kind of fun to the Wolfe kids together!! Thought the blog followers might enjoy seeing Mom with some of her siblings. They are, from left to right, Evelyn, Glen, Keith, Dale and Carol.

First Night

Mom had a rough first night as expected. Her pain level was high and required attention every 1-2 hour. The group in the ICU was kind enough to let me stay with her ALL night. I was so glad due to the attention mom needed. I don't think her call button was working because everytime I pushed (8 or so times) not once did a person respond. I know, right? Her lungs need major exercise and we as Partners in Healing" need to encourage her to use her breathing apparatus hourly.
The good news is she is already out of ICU!!! The Superstar is now on the third floor in room S-321
AND walked part of the way to her room!!! No joke. We are so proud of her and how brave she has been!
Love you,

Monday, February 8, 2010

late night update

I just spent the last hour with Mom in her ICU room. She is sleeping really sound right now because of the pain meds they gave her a couple hours ago. I talked to her nurse (Dale) to ask how often she can have pain medicine and it is every hour. Her body core temp is a little high right now 102, so they pulled down the covers and turned on a fan to bring it down. I will let you know of any changes throughout the night if there are any new developments.

Easy Email Service at Hospital

Add email service to the long list of amazing services offered at the Intermountain Medical Center where Mom is a patient!!! Go to the link below to send her an email that will be given to her by the hospital staff. Here's the address:

What a difference a few hours makes in the healing process! Several of us got to be with her for a bit in the ICU about 1-1/2 hours after the surgery ended. It was a bit unsettling to see so many tubes and contraptions going in and out. Because of the breathing tube she was unable to talk but did nod yes or no to our questions. The teardrop by her eye let us know that she was not having fun yet. But... by 8:30 p.m. when we were allowed to go in after the nursing shift change, she was able to talk, had fewer tubes and contraptions and was in good spirits.

As we chatted she recounted the phone calls and words of concern and kindness she had received the night before surgery from many family members and friends. It was obvious that even small gestures of thoughtfulness and get well wishes do so much to ease the burden and provide comfort to her. Thank you to all of you for helping our Mom make a speedy and successful recovery.

Super Star

Mom has surprised everyone in the ICU! Her tube was removed hours earlier than anticipated and was sitting up in a chair by the afternoon! I've been told she will be moved from ICU tomorrow morning! Yeah! I can be in the room with her and continue our slumber party instead of me being in the waiting area.
Gotta run, time to see Momma!!
Love to all,

1st Family Visit in the ICU

Mom is all settled in the ICU.  They allowed us a very short visit with her.  She is doing good and looks GREAT!  She has a temporary pacemaker to keep her heart rate up, her oxygen level is good, her blood pressure is good.  She has a breathing tube that prevents her from talking.  She's very groggy at this point and will remain so for the next couple of hours.  They are hoping that the breathing tube can be removed by early this evening. Until then, she will continue to answer us with nods and head shakes and hand squeezes.  Beth lead us in a prayer of gratitude that brought long suppressed emotions boiling to the surface.  We do such a good job of putting on a brave face, but we are all a bunch of softies! 

We will be able to visit her in the ICU one-two family members at a time and only for a total of 10 minutes per hour.  Some one will always be in the ICU waiting room, even over night (thanks Barbie!), patiently awaiting our turn to check in on her.  We are hoping she leaves the ICU tomorrow.  Then she can have 'round the clock bedside visitors to help her heal and pass the time.  We love you Mom! 


Now I will go home and let all of this catch up with me and be a big pile of goo for the next several hours!

Heading for Recovery

Dr. Doty just reported to the family in the waiting room - she did great.  She is heading for recovery.  It will still be an hour or 2 before she is ready for visitors.  More later.  Merri


Just got our first update...Doing good. On the heart and lung machine and going to start the valve replacement. Expecting next call in a couple hours. Will update when we hear anything new. :0)
Love you all,

Moms First Night

We made it through the first night with out any issues. Last night they came in at about 12 ish to put in an IV and had a little difficulty, they had to try 3 times before the got it. She seemed to sleep well after she finally took a Benadyl at 1-1:30.
They woke her up at 5:00 to shower and gave her 2 Ativan to keep her calm during her wait. At about 6:30 they came to put in her Art line. Eww! Don't worry they numbed the injection site really well.
At 7:00am they took her down to surgery. We said goodbye at the "see you soon corner"and are now waiting in the ICU waiting room for the next 4 hours.
We'll keep you posted.
(sorry for the short and sweet version but mom sleeping well does not mean Barbie sleeping well)
Ha ha
Love, Barb

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Laughter is the Best Medicine

There is always something to laugh about when Leon is around!!! I wanted to have a picture of Mom to post and thought it wise to get one while she was up and about. (She might not appreciate picture taking for the next several days!) Just as I was ready to snap this shot, Leon popped in to the bed! What a clown!
While I am blogging, I need to say how very proud I am of my sibs and the way the are united in helping out. Though none of us would choose this kind of health problem for Mom, it has given us the opportunity to spend some time together visiting and working out the logistics of taking care of her. This is truly evidence of the her great example and teachings.
No doubt there will be more moments of laughter and levity during this journey.....especially when Leon is around!
Signing out for now....Beth

Settling in for the night

Bex here!.... I just got home from the hospital, Both Barbie and Momma are ready to reel down the day and get some sleep.
At about 5 Merri came and picked me up. When we got back to the hospital, Melly was there, Leon came a little while later and then Beth and Frank arrived. after getting caught up with each other, Frank gave momma a blessing followed by a sweet kiss on her head. Then the shaving crew arrived, marking the time for us to depart the room. Merri and Leon left as did Frank and Beth. And I waited until the crew was done and Barbie arrived before going back into her room. Evidently the Shaving crew was not needed as momma has never had chest hair. hehehehe. So Barbie and I hung out with momma until it was apparent it was time for me to get home and get to bed. Momma had wanted to nap through out the day but never got a chance, so I am certain she will sleep well tonight. Prayers & happy healthy thoughts and blessings for Momma. Have a good night and we will see you all in the 2nd floor ICU waiting area tomorrow. Love to all, Becky Sue

Pre-Op Day

Mom is at the hospital now.  All settled in.  We arrived shortly after 11 this morning.  The hospital staff has been great.  They are very informative.  We/she may be on information overload.  At 7 tomorrow morning, she will go down for surgery.  The Dr and nurses will update us periodically throughout the 4-5 hr surgery.  Watch for posts!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

The number to call to check on Mom.

Hi family, I just wanted to let you all know that Mom's cell phone numnber will be the number to call to get status checkups on her. Her cell phone will be handed over to from one wondrous watcher to the next as shifts change. This way we will not have to go through the hospital switchboard. Barbie will be in possession of the "Green Phone" for the next few weeks. It will be with her at all times. The number is 801-739-1680, please make a note of it.
l Love you all,
Becky Sue

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sitter Schedule and Updated Cell Phone List

Siblings - Watch your email for the schedule of who will stay with Mom during her hosptial stay. This was compiled from the information you sent earlier.
The email will also include a list of each of our cell phone numbers. Please reply to me quickly so we can have updated and CORRECT information before the start of our "journey"!
Love you all!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday PM

Reporting in: Thurs. 6:52 PM
The appointment with Dr. Doty went well today. Both Barb and I really liked him. He answered all our questions and was most helpful. He, too, was disturbed by the identity mix up last week and will investigate and tell me what happened when I meet him in the hospital on Sunday. A PA (Terry Powers) that helps Dr. Doty also came in to give us information.
Answered questions:
Length of surgery is 4-5 hours.
Time in ICU 1-2 days
Hospital stay - about a week 5-7 days.
Visitors - unlimited. ICU visits are more limited but someone can be right outside the ICU room all the time. I will be moved to a room in a day or two. He even said they can put a bed in my room for someone to spend the night. Oh yes, no children can visit.
Tubes: two drain tubes in lower chest as well as two pacer wires in the same area. They get removed 2-3 days.
Hole in heart will be repaired during valve replacement - no big deal.
Laying flat won't be a problem - they would prefer me to be propped up anyway.
He said it will be six weeks before I get my energy back.
The entire visit was very satisfactory.
One humorous incident happened last night:
I had pulled my list of questions out of my purse - the next time I turned around I noticed Smokey Joe was eating a piece of paper with red, white and blue on it. Of course I freaked - he had eaten half of my Medicare Card. Pure panic! Then I remembered that I had made copies of all my important cards before I went to Europe - so all I had to do was find it. Called Beth because she and I saw them the other night but by the time she called me back - I had found the copy. Sooooooo today, I took all the parts and pieces in a baggie and took the copy with me Fortunately, the doctor's office accepted the copy. Whew! (I sure did not want to wait for the rest of card to come through) Yuck!
By the way, the anger is now gone - my attitude is much improved. Love to all, Mom

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Laptop at the Hospital

Hi Family!
I intend to take my laptop to the hospital on Sunday, and to go through all that needs done to have it up and running for easy updates to the blog, game playing, internet surfing and emailing for vistors and family. It is my hope that as she changes rooms and such her wondrous watchers will make certain to keep it with them. If there are special notes for logging in and whatnaught I will try to make sure they are kept with the laptop. I will also create a word document to leave on the desktop so that any special notes or medical staff instructions can be easily logged, for the next wondrous watcher on duty. One thing to note, with my laptop, it is best to keep it plugged in, and used only on a flat dry surface (to keep it cool). No setting it on a pillow, blanket etc. I will try to take a tray to keep it on. with that in mind please use it. Sometimes the hospital wi-fi's can be a bit sketchy, so I would not suggest any banking or vital info exchanges if the network is not secure..... Oh Poop, how obvious is it that I am married to a glorious geek??
OK That all said.... I sure love you guys, and sure feel blessed to have you as kith and kin.
Peace & Blessings,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mom's two cents

Just thought I would take a minute to say that I have the best kids in the world. They are all taking such good care of me and helping in so many ways. Beth came over Sunday and Monday evenings and helped me get some major projects completed in the house - she took me to my appt. today and stayed here at the house until evening. Merri has been helping even though she travels and is out of town often. It was Melanie and Merri that shared my frustration last Thursday when the surgeon was not in the office and they didn't even have my name right. Awwwgggghhhh! Becky and Barb are taking care of Smokey Joe while I am in the hospital and convalescing at home. Cory and his family came up on Saturday and helped me get some things done before taking me out to dinner. I am telling you they are all the BEST!

Today, Dr. Anding asked me how I felt. I said, "I am angry!" His comment was: "It is not a good idea to go into surgery angry, you need to be calm and peaceful" (postpone if necessary)...... easy for him to say! So---------my job is to get a change in my attitude before Sunday. All prayers and good thoughts will be appreciated.

Thanks to all for the good wishes I have already received. Love to all, Carol

An Invitation

We thought it would be a good idea to join our faith and prayers on Mom's behalf by fasting for her this Sunday, February 7.
As you know, Mom is a woman of great faith. She has always found strength to endure her trials by relying on the Lord. She has expressed the need for an extra dose of peace and comfort to help her through the surgery.
So, you are all invited to participate. Bonnie Brown informs us that she and her family will be joining us in this effort.

The Angiogram and EEC

Mom is home from having her procedure this morning. All went well -though she would have preferred to be completely unaware of the experience! Even though they gave her a whole long list of drugs that were supposed to relax her and make her unaware of what was happening - they didn't do what they were meant to do. The nurses said that she talked to them through most of it. Following the angiogram (camera sent up into the heart) and the ECC (Esophogial Echo Cardiogram - camera down the throat that ultrasounds the back of the heart) Dr. Anding told us that he was very pleased to see that her arteries were clear. The valve does need replaced and he found a very tiny hole in her heart which will be repaired at the same time that they replace the valve next week.
She is home taking it easy though she has had no pain at all. I will stay with her until later this evening.
This is Beth - signing out for now.

Friday, January 29, 2010

How to Add New Posts Here...

So - I am learning about blogging - thanks for your patience.  Anyone can comment on a previous post, but to create a new post, I have to give you authorization.  If you want authorization, comment on this post and I will add you to the authorized users.  Once I add you, you will get an email from 'no-reply' (or something like that).  You have to click on it to activate your authorization.  Let me know if you have questions.  Sorry - this was a little harder than I thought.  -- Mer

What we know now...

1/29/10 Yesterday was FRUSTRATING (to put it lightly).  Melanie and I took Mom to her scheduled appointment with surgeon.  Well - he wasn't in the office.  Worse yet, they had the wrong patient information!  They had her as Carol Clawson (interesting, since she hasn't had that name for over 20 years), with Dad's old, old, old, address and probably his phone number - yet, Mom's social security number.  Needless to say, confidence in the system is shaken. 

The surgeon is Dr. Doty.  My Bishop's wife says she has heard great things about him.

Where we are now...  Mom is scheduled for an angiograhm Tuesday morning 2/2 at Lakeview Hosp (Beth is taking her to that appt).  On Thursday 2/4 she goes back to the surgeon (Barb is taking her to that appt.)  Mom will check into the hospital on Sunday at 11:30 for Surgery on Monday 2/8.

Things to remember:

2/2 Tues before angio - no food or drink after midnight

2/4 Thurs take list of all meds and write down all questions for the surgeon.  Quit taking certain meds.

2/7 Sunday - no food or drink after 8am.  Check into the Emergency room at 11:30.  After bloodwork and tests, she will be able to eat and drink.  Mom will stay at the hospital that night.

2/8 Monday morning - surgery day.  The surgeon wanted the whole day clear for Moms surgery.  Typical hospital stay is 5 days (out Friday).  She will need round the clock care for about 2 weeks - Aunt Ev is coming in to stay with Mom (probably arriving on 2/11).

Much more to come! 

Welcome to KaggiesHeart blog

Mid-January 2010 Mom saw her Dr. and discussed some disturbing symptoms she had been experiencing.  Namely, extreme, sudden weakness - Mom attributed this to quickly changing sugar levels.  However, the Dr. honed in on Mom's low blood pressure.  This lead to tests that determined that (long story short) she needs to have her aortic valve replaced. 

Personally, I think that there is so much love and kindness that passes through that valve, that it can't keep up with the traffic! 

I created this blog as a way for us to share information, thoughts, and feelings about the current leg of the journey to a healthy heart for Mom.

Please feel free to pass the blog information to your family, friends, and anyone who knows and loves Mom.


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