Monday, February 8, 2010

Moms First Night

We made it through the first night with out any issues. Last night they came in at about 12 ish to put in an IV and had a little difficulty, they had to try 3 times before the got it. She seemed to sleep well after she finally took a Benadyl at 1-1:30.
They woke her up at 5:00 to shower and gave her 2 Ativan to keep her calm during her wait. At about 6:30 they came to put in her Art line. Eww! Don't worry they numbed the injection site really well.
At 7:00am they took her down to surgery. We said goodbye at the "see you soon corner"and are now waiting in the ICU waiting room for the next 4 hours.
We'll keep you posted.
(sorry for the short and sweet version but mom sleeping well does not mean Barbie sleeping well)
Ha ha
Love, Barb

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