Friday, January 29, 2010

How to Add New Posts Here...

So - I am learning about blogging - thanks for your patience.  Anyone can comment on a previous post, but to create a new post, I have to give you authorization.  If you want authorization, comment on this post and I will add you to the authorized users.  Once I add you, you will get an email from 'no-reply' (or something like that).  You have to click on it to activate your authorization.  Let me know if you have questions.  Sorry - this was a little harder than I thought.  -- Mer

What we know now...

1/29/10 Yesterday was FRUSTRATING (to put it lightly).  Melanie and I took Mom to her scheduled appointment with surgeon.  Well - he wasn't in the office.  Worse yet, they had the wrong patient information!  They had her as Carol Clawson (interesting, since she hasn't had that name for over 20 years), with Dad's old, old, old, address and probably his phone number - yet, Mom's social security number.  Needless to say, confidence in the system is shaken. 

The surgeon is Dr. Doty.  My Bishop's wife says she has heard great things about him.

Where we are now...  Mom is scheduled for an angiograhm Tuesday morning 2/2 at Lakeview Hosp (Beth is taking her to that appt).  On Thursday 2/4 she goes back to the surgeon (Barb is taking her to that appt.)  Mom will check into the hospital on Sunday at 11:30 for Surgery on Monday 2/8.

Things to remember:

2/2 Tues before angio - no food or drink after midnight

2/4 Thurs take list of all meds and write down all questions for the surgeon.  Quit taking certain meds.

2/7 Sunday - no food or drink after 8am.  Check into the Emergency room at 11:30.  After bloodwork and tests, she will be able to eat and drink.  Mom will stay at the hospital that night.

2/8 Monday morning - surgery day.  The surgeon wanted the whole day clear for Moms surgery.  Typical hospital stay is 5 days (out Friday).  She will need round the clock care for about 2 weeks - Aunt Ev is coming in to stay with Mom (probably arriving on 2/11).

Much more to come! 

Welcome to KaggiesHeart blog

Mid-January 2010 Mom saw her Dr. and discussed some disturbing symptoms she had been experiencing.  Namely, extreme, sudden weakness - Mom attributed this to quickly changing sugar levels.  However, the Dr. honed in on Mom's low blood pressure.  This lead to tests that determined that (long story short) she needs to have her aortic valve replaced. 

Personally, I think that there is so much love and kindness that passes through that valve, that it can't keep up with the traffic! 

I created this blog as a way for us to share information, thoughts, and feelings about the current leg of the journey to a healthy heart for Mom.

Please feel free to pass the blog information to your family, friends, and anyone who knows and loves Mom.
