Saturday, June 5, 2010

Out of Intensive Care! No more tubes!

This evening mom got moved out of ICU!  Yippie!  We are in room 408.  However, she gave us another scare.  Her sugar has been on the rise and tonight, when her new nurse, Anne tried to ask her some questions, she was unresponsive.  We couldn't wake her up.  I (Merri) was here alone with her and it felt very familiar - seemed just like last Sunday when this whole thing started!  I immediately called for family back-up - Leo, TJ, and Becky came running.  However, by the time they got here, mom was talking to Anne, still a little goofy, but not for long.  She is back to her cheerful, chatty, coherent self - thank goodness.  Following Dr. Eman's orders, Anne gave her some insulin and brought her sugar from 320 to 154.  Whew!  I have the overnight shift and have told Bex she can go back home, but I am secretly wishing she stays. 


  1. I"m so glad you all are watching over her. You are very diligent and it's wonderful to see you taking care of Carol like she has always done with all of you.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love you all...and I send a special hug to my dear friend, Carol. It's wonderful to read the entries and see how she is improving.


  2. Well Poop!! I did not know Merri was secretly wishing I would stay. At about 11:30pm They both (Mom and Merri) gave me all clear to come home - So I did!! I sure hope Merri felt more comfortable with me leaving. I threatened to tape Mom's Oxygen cannulae to her face if she pulled it out, and I found the secret stash of tape in the room. I told Merri where it was before I left. Mom actually does pretty good with it, but when she gets to that deep level of sleep it is just annoying to have something laying on your face and up your nose like that. I would want it out as well.
    Wishing Peace & Blessings and good night's rest to us all!!
    Becky Sue
    PS: Merri I am a phone call and 15 minutes away! I love you so very much!
