Monday, June 7, 2010

She's baaaaaaacccccccckkkkk!

Melly stayed with mom over night and it was completely, udderly uneventful.  Dr. Monsoor Emam brings mom a paper each day!  He is very sweet.  I will let mom elaborate when she is ready to blog.  She has attempted to blog a few times, but encountered a few technical difficulties.  We'll let her try again later.  If we continue down this path, she will be released either tomorrow, or Wednesday!

Mom asked that we look into a intermediate care facility.  Michele, mom's social worker, is helping us get lined up there.  Mom looked at a few online and her first choice is Aspen Ridge West.  You can check out the website at  Dr. Emam says it's like a 5star hotel.  She can be there up to 20 days.

More later - Merri


  1. Praise the LORD!! Hallelujah!
    That is GREAT news! And a 5 star aftercare stay...can someone say Whoohoo!!
    You all deserve a stay!
    Doing the YIPPY dance in Oklahoma!
    Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. That would be some pretty fancy digs to recoop in. go for it! So glad you are doing so well! Love ya

  3. Yippee!!!!!!! I am so happy. Have a good time at your "hotel", Carol. I will be out of town for a month but will try to stay in touch.

