Sunday, May 30, 2010

5/29 Back to the ER with difficulty breathing

Mom had spent Thurs and Friday nights at Becky's, but Saturday morning, she felt like she wasn't getting enough oxygen, so Becky took her home where she could use the Oxygen concentrator to give her some help. Four hours later, she hadn't improved. Leon and I came up to visit. Becky reported that they hadn't been able to get an oxygen saturation read from meter. We tried on got get a reading from her finger, toe, nose, and ear. It worked on everybody else, so it wasn't the meter. With Leon's prompting, mom agreed to go back to the ER. The ER staff told us that pulse/oxy meters don't work if your hands are cold. Using the ER meter, her O2 saturation was good - but her blood pressure was very low. They did some blood work and took x-rays. They took her for a walk without oxygen which really wore her out and after seeing the internist on call, decided to admit her. Overnight, her BP continued to drop - going as low as 55/33 (yikes)!

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